Guide to The EU Covid certificate
This document facilitates mobility between the Member States of the European Union for those who prove one of the three conditions mentioned above to avoid possible controls such as quarantines or additional tests.
1. What is an EU covid passport?
2. Where can you use the certificate?
3. What are the key features of the certificate?
4. What is the QR code on the certificate for?
5. How can I request this certificate in Spain?
6. Where should I contact if I have a problem?
1. What is an EU covid passport?
The EU Digital COVID Certificate, fully operational in the European Union since July 1, 2021, is a document that allows one to easily prove that a person:
- has been vaccinated against COVID-19, or
- a negative test has been performed, or
- has recovered from COVID-19
It is not a passport or a travel document that conditions or restricts the right to free movement in the European Union, but rather an instrument that facilitates mobility between member countries and guarantees health protection.
2. Where can you use the certificate?
You can use the certificate in all EU Member States and other countries such as Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway. You can consult the full list of the countries that recognize the certificate here.
3. What are the key features of the certificate?
- It is free of charge
- It is issued in electronic (can be stored on a mobile device) or paper format
- It is secure and reliable, valid throughout the EU
- It is issued in the national language of each State as well as in English by the competent authorities of each Member State
- It has an identifiable QR code
4. What is the QR code on the certificate for?
It includes a QR code with the minimum essential information and a digital seal, which guarantees its authenticity and integrity.
When traveling to another European Union country, the traveler's QR code is scanned at the destination to verify that he or she satisfies at least one of the above conditions:
- has either been vaccinated, or
- has a negative test, or
- has recovered from the disease.
Verification of the QR code at the destination is done quickly and easily:
- If any of the three conditions are met, the person who carries the certificate can continue with their trip.
- If you do not have the certificate, you can travel, but the admission process is slower and you might be required to comply with the additional measures and controls such as quarantines.
The QR code guarantees the maximum protection of personal data, security, and privacy. The personal data contained in the citizens' digital certificate will be processed solely to verify the information included therein.
5. How can I request this certificate in Spain?
Spain began on June 7 to issue and recognize the EU digital COVID Certificate.
1) If you have tested negative in a certified test center: it is necessary to have obtained a negative result in a test carried out with an antigen test in the 48 hours before the use of the certificate, or 72 hours in the case of PCR tests.
2) If you have got a Covid-19 vaccine or recovered from Covid already
The Ministry of Health issues vaccination and recovery certificates, only in electronic format, at the Ministry of Health website.
You can apply for the certificate via this portal if you:
- have got the covid-19 vaccine in Spain
- got covid and can be documented with a positive PCR more than 11 days ago
The documents you need to carry out the application are:
- A Digital Certificate or Cl@ve: If you use Cl@ve, the process must be confirmed with another temporary code that will be sent to the mobile. Therefore, you must inform your mobile number in Cl@ve.
- Different documents needed for recovery and vaccination certificate: ]
- If you want to apply for a recovery certificate:
- You need to present a positive PCR diagnosis of COVID-19 more than 11 days ago but less than 6 months ago before the date of the certificate request
- If it is an antigen test or the result was issued more than 6 months ago, it is not possible to get the recovery certificate
- If you want to apply for a recovery certificate: It is required to have received a dose of vaccines by the EU, whether the vaccination process has finished or is still in progress. Although it might be requested when you got the first shot, its validity can only begin 14 days after the vaccination process has been completed. Depending on the number of doses received, type of vaccines, age, and whether you have had Covid before, the process can be perceived as completed or not:
- If you had Covid before, and are under 65 years old, you can receive the certificate of completion after the administration of receiving 1 dose of the vaccine
- If you have been administered a dose of a single-dose vaccine, you will receive the certificate of completion
- If you have been administered a dose of a bi-dose vaccine, you will receive the certificate of incomplete regimen.
- If you received two or more doses of a bi-doses vaccine (even of different types), you will receive the certificate of complete regimen.
- If you want to apply for a recovery certificate:
6. Where should I contact if I have a problem?
If you have any problems using this service or any questions related to the EU COVID Digital Certificate procedure, please call +34 910 50 98 88 (business hours from Monday to Sunday from 08:00 to 22:00) or send an email to [email protected] with the description of your query.
7. Advice from Adeslas
The Covid-19 pandemic has been one of the most important issues that have influenced our lifestyles. In Adeslas, we understand your concerns on this topic, so we want to have you fully covered by offering you our medical insurance.
If you would like to know more about this topic, check out one of these other blogs:
- How to get a covid passport as an international expat, vaccinated in Spain?
- Healthcare in Spain for British citizens after Brexit: EHIC or GHIC
[1]¿Qué es el Certificado COVID Digital UE? ¿Cómo funciona?. (2021). Retrieved 31 August 2021, from https://www.vacunacovid.gob.es/preguntas-y-respuestas/que-es-el-certificado-covid-digital-ue-como-funciona
[2] Ministerio de Sanidad . (2021). Retrieved 31 August 2021, from https://cvd.sanidad.gob.es/cvdcovid/cvdcovid-formulario/index.xhtml
[3] EU Digital COVID Certificate. (2021). Retrieved 31 August 2021, from https://ec.europa.eu/info/live-work-travel-eu/coronavirus-response/safe-covid-19-vaccines-europeans/eu-digital-covid-certificate_en
[4] Ministerio de Sanidad, Consumo y Bienestar Social - Sede Electrónica - Preguntas frecuentes sobre el Certificado Covid Digital de la UE. (2021). Retrieved 31 August 2021, from https://sede.mscbs.gob.es/ccd/faq.htm
Our content will be updated according to the most recent legislation. Last update: 30/08/2021
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